Journey Of A Writer

Still Want To Be A Writer?

You Made It Here, So Now What?

Millennial Storyteller
5 min read1 day ago


Picture of a lady sitting in front of a pink wall at a brown countertop dressed in a black business jacket (with gold cufflinks) and black shirt leaning on her right hand looking sad off in the distance as her macbook is open in front of her. A very posed picture, but it works for me.
Photo by on Unsplash

Hello again, fellow writer^^

Welcome to the second leg of your writing journey.

To recap, you’ve made it through your first writing quest, first writing obstacle, and first writing challenge. And you have a writing habit to boot. (Don’t know what I’m talking about? Start here, then come back)

This is a congratulatory moment. To get this far in your writing journey means that you have solidified your choice in writing. You’re still going, whether that’s strong or not depends on how you feel.

How do you feel about where you are? I hope that you feel great. Because you’re following through on the choice you made that other people did not. You’ve made a place for yourself. You’ve written about some things, even if they weren’t read by the biggest audiences. That’s how every beginner writer starts.

If you’re feeling down about you’re progress so far, don’t worry.

This is normal.

Don’t forget that you’re on an adventure, a journey that will take some time to get to where you truly want to be.

The things in life that will be truly worth it to you will take the most time. Because you…



Millennial Storyteller

Working towards living the life I actually want to live so I can tell a good story.