The Journey of A Writer

So You Want To Be A Writer

Good Choice, My Friend

Millennial Storyteller
8 min readMay 9, 2024


Picture of a woman sitting at a black counter wearing a blue shirt and brown pants writing in a journal, facing a window.
Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

So you want to be a writer? You want to write the next great novel? Get paid the big bucks? At the very least become known all over the world?

The first thing I want to say is congratulations. You’ve chosen to do something that most people won’t ever choose to do (though it may not have been for the right reasons [all of the ones I stated above] but we’ll get to that later).

Some will say that you’re crazy to do it in this time of AI-written everything. Some will say that you’ll never make it since everything and every industry to do with the written word is oversaturated and there’s no space for you. And finally, some won’t say anything, just brood in a corner, radiating their disapproval. Just know that all of these people are doing the same thing: they’re not writing.

They did not choose to be writers.

You did.

What an exciting adventure that you’ve embarked on. That we’ve embarked on because you’re not alone.

You’re going to encounter the most interesting situations, anywhere from a rejection letter from a publication or a magazine to the inexplicable incapability of expressing what it is that you want to say.



Millennial Storyteller

Working towards living the life I actually want to live so I can tell a good story.