Journey Of A Writer

Slash Punctuation Practice

The Punctuation That Is The Second Easiest To Understand

Millennial Storyteller
3 min read5 days ago


Screenshot of something I wrote that says, it’s and/or not and\or. I quoted myself in this
Screenshot by writer of article

Hello, fellow writer!

Welcome to another writing practice as part of your writing quest. If you’re here for the first time, welcome to the fun part of your writing quest.

This article is all about the slash.

Before I go deep, there are three types of slashes. Only one of them is used in any type of writing for public consumption (what you do in your own time is up to you, though).

  • / forward slash — the written one
  • \ backslash — the computing language one (not talking about this one)
  • | vertical slash —math & computing language (not talking about this one either)

We will only discuss the forward slash. That said, the forward slash will hereafter be referred to as the slash. I hate typing in extra words just to have them.

I use the forward slash a lot. Probably too much for the literary snobs out there. So for those who are wondering, don’t use this in professional/academic writing. They won’t give you an award or say you’re a good writer.

I’m fine with that. Rebelling is one of my hobbies.



Millennial Storyteller

Working towards living the life I actually want to live so I can tell a good story.