Journey Of A Writer

En Dash Punctuation Practice

The Middle Punctuation Between The Hyphen and Em Dash

Millennial Storyteller
3 min read4 days ago


Screenshot taken by the writer of article

Hello, fellow writer!

Welcome to another writing practice as part of your writing quest. If you’re here for the first time, welcome to your writing quest^^

This article is all about the en dash.

Admittedly, the en dash can be a confusing punctuation mark. It’s often mistaken for either the hyphen or the em dash. On Medium, they’re all the same (yes, even though you can make a hyphen, it’s still treated like the others).

Luckily, there’s not too many uses for the en dash.

Read below and see what I mean.

Uses of The En Dash

  • Indicating an expanse of time (From 1992–1995 was the best years to harvest alien babies from humans).
  • To mean ‘to’ in terms of location (I’m taking the Jupiter–Saturn transit).
  • For scores and directions (The Flaming Orcas won against the Whispering Tigers 3–1 in the WKC (World Knight Championships))
  • Connecting words to form complex adjectives (The evil prince enjoys dungeon-style torture as one does)



Millennial Storyteller

Working towards living the life I actually want to live so I can tell a good story.