Journey Of A Writer

Colon Punctuation Mark Practice

Colons Are More Than List Makers

Millennial Storyteller
4 min readJun 22, 2024


Photo by David L. Espina Rincon on Unsplash

Hello, fellow writer!

Welcome to another writing practice as part of your writing quest. If you’re here for the first time, welcome to your writing quest.

This article is all about the colon.

It was used a lot more in older writing than it is today, though you will find it in contemporary literary writing.

I enjoy using it because it’s got the power of focus and attention. It’s not a period, but it’s very understandable. It’s also not a semi-colon which can be hard to read. The colon makes you pay attention.

Because you generally know what it’s doing if you read a lot.

If you don’t, then the following is a list of the ways you will read a colon in writing.

Uses of The Colon Punctuation Mark

  • For emphasis (There is only one thing I hate most in the world: lying, thieving boyfriends who pretend to love you).
  • Clarification (We have two options: eat the poisoned cake and die, or feed it to her pet wolf and live).
  • Introducing a quote (It was the great wizard Tobins Geralter III who said it best: “You are only…



Millennial Storyteller

Working towards living the life I actually want to live so I can tell a good story.